Here's Why You're Struggling to Get Views on YouTube

Strategies to Increase YouTube Views: Avoid Common Mistakes

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Hey Genesis Residents!

Are you stuck in traffic? Not on the highway, but on YouTube?

Struggling to get views, frustrated by stagnant growth, and wondering why your videos aren’t gaining traction?

Trust me, you’re not alone.

Many creators are in the exact same boat—releasing video after video, following all the standard advice, and still feeling like they’re going nowhere.

Today we’re going to dive deep into why you're struggling to get views on YouTube, the common pitfalls creators face, and the strategies to unlock your channel’s potential.

Let's get into it...

📝 Today’s Menu

  • ⛔ Why You Feel Like You're Stuck in Traffic

  • 📊 The Importance of Differentiation

  • 👀 Finding Your Sweet Spot

  • 🎩 Mastering the Many Roles of a YouTuber

  • 🗣️ Don’t Judge Yourself Too Soon

Read time: 15 minutes


⛔ Why You Feel Like You're Stuck in Traffic

Do you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is?

Getting stuck in traffic. It’s frustrating, slow, and makes you feel like you're going nowhere.

Coincidentally, many YouTubers feel the same way about their channels.

They do everything right—or so they think: post consistently, follow the advice of popular YouTube coaches, stay patient, and keep grinding away.

But their videos barely cross 100 views, and every day it feels like they’re further away from their goals.

Does this sound familiar?

Much like a car idling in bumper-to-bumper traffic, these creators aren’t making progress because they’re stuck in a saturated niche.

But what does that really mean?

Think of niches as highways of traffic.

A saturated niche is like rush hour in a big city—everyone’s vying for space, and only the most experienced drivers with the fastest cars can get ahead.

In contrast, an unsaturated niche is like a smooth open road—you can travel freely and reach your destination without delay.

Many creators unknowingly set up camp in these crowded highways, producing content similar to their competitors without offering anything truly unique.

When it’s time for YouTube to recommend videos, those channels get overshadowed by better-established creators with superior video quality.

Their videos, though well-intentioned, get lost in the noise.


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📊 The Importance of Differentiation

Standing out in a crowded niche is critical.

It's not just about making more content—it's about making better content or creating a unique angle that differentiates you from the pack.

You could try a different format, add personal expertise, or bring a novel personality that nobody else is offering in your niche.

For instance, if you’re a travel vlogger, perhaps you bring an immersive storytelling approach with cinematic flair that others don’t.

Maybe you offer unique travel hacks or hidden destinations that haven’t been covered widely yet.

The key is value and uniqueness.

But here’s the deal—if you’re in a heavily saturated niche with a limited audience, even the best content might not get you the success you desire.

Before trying to stand out, make sure your niche aligns with your goals and offers real potential. After all, you can’t put lipstick on a pig.

So how do you find that perfect niche?

👀 Finding Your Sweet Spot

If you've been on YouTube for more than six months and still haven’t hit 100 subscribers, or if you've published over 50 videos and are struggling to surpass 17 views, you’re not alone.

Many creators face the same challenge. YouTube is a grind, no doubt.

But here's a startling statistic that might give you some perspective:

As of February 2024, there are over 114 million active YouTube channels, and less than 2% have reached 10,000 subscribers.

Let that sink in.

Only 2% of all YouTube creators have more than 10K subscribers.

So if you feel like you’re falling behind, don’t be discouraged—you’re competing with an enormous crowd.

But let’s flip that statistic around:

If you've already reached 1,000 subscribers, congratulations.

You’re outperforming 91% of YouTubers. That puts you in the top 10%!

It’s easy to compare yourself to others, especially with the way the YouTube algorithm works.

It tends to highlight the best performers in your niche, making it seem like everyone is miles ahead of you.

But chances are, you're doing better than you think. You just don’t see it.

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🎩 Mastering the Many Roles of a YouTuber

YouTube isn't just about creating videos—it’s about wearing multiple hats:

  • Content creation: Shooting, editing, and posting videos.

  • SEO optimization: Ensuring your titles, descriptions, and tags are on point.

  • Audience engagement: Responding to comments and building a community.

  • Data analysis: Understanding your analytics to know what’s working and what isn’t.

  • Branding: Building a recognizable style and message for your channel.

And that’s just scratching the surface.

If you’re doing YouTube part-time, it can feel impossible to juggle all these tasks effectively.

But imagine if you had all the time in the world to dedicate to your channel—what could you achieve?

When you start a full-time job, you typically spend the first month training and onboarding.

You show up every day, learn, and improve without being judged on performance.

So why treat YouTube differently?

🗣️ Don’t Judge Yourself Too Soon

Here’s some advice:

Approach YouTube like a new full-time job.

Your first 20 videos are your “onboarding” period.

Don’t judge yourself too harshly during this time.

Your goal isn’t to go viral immediately—it’s to learn.

Your 1st video and your 20th video will be worlds apart.

The improvement will be astonishing. But it takes time. And that’s where many creators lose steam.

How Long Does It Take to Grow on YouTube?

On average, it takes about 22 months to reach 1,000 subscribers.

For some, it might take longer.

But remember—there’s no deadline for YouTube success. Focus on smaller, more achievable goals.

  • Aim for 10, 20, 50, and 100 subscribers.

  • Celebrate your victories along the way.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you set huge goals like 100K subscribers or 1M views. 

Instead, break it down into manageable steps that build momentum.

The Harsh Reality of YouTube Competition

Every minute, over 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube. That’s a staggering amount. So how do you get noticed in this sea of content?

A study from Pex found that 90% of YouTube videos get less than 1,000 views, and less than 1% of videos generate over 80% of the total views.

That’s right—the YouTube algorithm is both your best friend and your worst enemy.

Its job is to find the right video for the right viewer, not to find viewers for your videos.

That means you need to focus on consistently delivering content your audience loves.

When your return viewers increase, and your average views per viewer grow, YouTube will begin pushing your content to similar audiences.

This is how your channel truly grows organically.

The Importance of Persistence: Don’t Give Up Too Soon

Getting to your first 1,000 subscribers or your first 1,000 views is one of the hardest things you’ll do on YouTube.

Just look at some of the biggest names today—MKBHD, Mr. Beast, Markiplier—they didn’t gain success overnight.

Here’s a hard truth: 99% of creators who fail to reach 1,000 subscribers give up too soon.

So if you’re on the path to hitting that next milestone, whatever it may be, keep going. You can’t fail if you don’t quit.

Keep pushing forward, and you’ll be surprised by how far you can go.

Thanks for reading!

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